The question why students should consider taking part in politics demands us to think about it
broadly, because there isn’t any single reason for students to take part in politics, instead there
are several reasons. Students’ participation in politics will not only benefit the individuals but also
society. Let’s discuss in detail and explain why students’ participation in politics is necessary for
individuals and society.
1. Civic Education.
Students’ participation in politics is the way to understand and learn about the political
system practiced in their country and internationally, government processes, and the
decisions and policies of the government which has an impact on their lives directly or
indirectly. Students’ participation in politics will help them in developing a deep
understanding of how decisions are made, how they impact their lives, and how society
2. Influence on Government Policies.
In a democratic society, every individual has the right to know about how decisions are
made, how these decisions impact their lives, and what policies the government has to
improve the lives of people in return for the taxes they pay. With their participation in
politics and understanding of politics, they will have a significant impact on the
government policies, and they can use their right to oppose the government policies if
they are not good for them and their communities and advocate for the modificationsthat
are in the interests of students and other communities. It will eventually pave the way for
a democratic society and there will be a public accountability which is the main principle
of democratic governance and allows people to hold their representatives accountable for
their actions and decisions they made when in power. And in this way, they can contribute
to the development of society.
3. Students’ Representation.
In almost every country, students make up a significant portion of the population.
Realizing the importance of students in developing a society, they should engage
themselves in politics to make their voices heard about the things they are very much
concerned about. They should voice their opinions and concerns in order to be heard and
addressed by the government officials. Their participation in politics provides them with
the way to make this happen. When the response to their struggle comes, this comes with
satisfaction, and this comes with motivation to keep playing their vital role in the
development of a society.
4. Social Justice
Politics is not only about forming government and ruling but an important objective of
politics is achieving social justice. Most of the students are concerned about issues related
to social justice such as civil rights, basic human rights, equality, and climate change. These
issues are the concern of everyone because they affect everyone and will continue to
affect them in times to come unless they are resolved. Students with their active
participation can contribute to solving them and support and advocate for the policies
which align with their values and are in mutual interest of everyone.
5. Youth Perspective.
There is always room for improvement and most of the time, young people come up with
innovative solutions. They introduce fresh ideas and perspectives which were not
considered by older generations. They can challenge the status quo and come up with
arguments. Eventually they are the ones who will lead the world in future and student
politics will help them in developing a deep understating of the political systems, global
matters, international relations, foreign policy, and help them in preparing themselves for
the challenges to come. Therefore, students should actively play their role in politics to
contribute to the development of a society.
6. Empowerment.
Students’ active involvement in politics empowers them to make a difference. Their active
participation in politics provides them with a sense of agency and paves the way for them
to take ownership of their future. It encourages students to actively participate in politics
and contribute to shaping a new world, a peaceful world they want to live in.
7. Organizing and Skill Development.
Involvement in politics will provide students with an opportunity to meet like-minded
people, leaders, professionals, and more experienced individuals. They guide them, help
them in developing a deep understanding of politics, share their ideas and provide
valuable insight into the political arena. This networking will encourage students to
actively participate in politics. Student politics provide a platform for students to connect
with people having the same political interests and share the same ideas. This encourages
and motivates students when they are part of a community which has a shared purpose.
Active involvement in politics helps students to learn skills such as critical thinking,
negotiation, leadership skills, public speaking, communication, and teamwork. These are
the skills which are necessary for personal development.
8. Prolonged Impact.
Decisions and policies made in politics always have a long-term impact on society and its
people. This long-term impact of political decisions and policies has many sides and can
have a significant impact on several aspects of a country’s economic, political, and social
landscape. Decisions related to economic policy such as taxation, government
expenditures, and trade etc. will decide the economic health of a country. And decisions
related to healthcare system, social welfare, education will determine the prosperity of
citizens and will have lasting effect on social aspect of a country. Students’ involvement in
politics can determine the future of their country. With their active involvement in politics,
students can influence these decisions and policies and put their country in a direction,
which is in their interest and in the interest of their community.
9. Global Perspective.
The world has become a global village, and this increased globalization is due to the
development in transportation and communication. People can travel easily from one
place to another. People all over the world are connected through the internet. Social
media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. help students to connect with each
other. In this increasingly interconnected world, students’ involvement in politics will
provide them with an opportunity to develop a deep understanding of a wider perspective
on international issues and global politics. Students will find an opportunity to learn and
develop a deep understanding of the importance of diplomacy, international law, foreign
policies of countries, global cooperation, and global citizenship. This is the age of
globalization, and we all live in an interdependent world, therefore, no country can live in
isolation and function properly without cooperating with the world on global issues. In an
increasingly interconnected world, students’ involvement in politics will help them to
develop a deep understanding of the politics of their own country and global politics.
Student politics is the way to influence decisions and policies globally and contribute to
shaping the world they want to live in.
10. Sense of Responsibility
Being a part of a society or nation has some kind of responsibilities and one of those
responsibilities is to actively take part in the democratic process. Citizenship comes with
the responsibility of being concerned with and responsive to political, social, and
economical problems. Democracy demands people to take part in politics, the more
people take part in politics the more democratic it becomes, and students have so much
to offer in politics as they make up a significant portion of a population and can work to
strengthen and improve society by taking active part in politics. Student politics will make
students responsible and good citizens. Their engagement in politics will pave the way for
establishing a just and equitable society.
11. Inspiring Change.
Young people often find it interesting to challenge existing ideas and offer new solutions
and challenge the status quo. Students are often passionate about bringing positive
change. History has shown us that throughout history, Students’ participation in politics
created the movements which were powerful force for bringing social and political
transformation. This encourages students to take part in politics to bring a positive change
12. Resilience and Determination.
Politics is not an easy job; it demands to be resilient and determined throughout struggle.
Politics is frustrating at times, but it will teach you to stay resilient and determined in times
of challenges and difficulties. Students’ involvement in politics teaches them how to stay
positive and work through hurdles and upsets. It teaches all those valuable skills whose
importance extends beyond the political arena.
13. Personal Development.
Political participation will lead them to personal development and allow them to discover
themselves. It will provide them with an opportunity to explore more about themselves,
their values, their ideas they are very passionate about.
In summary, Students should consider taking part in politics because it will teach them about civic
education. Student politics provide them with an opportunity to influence policies and decisions
and advocate for change which aligns with their values. Student politics leads to personal
development and paves the way for learning new skills. Student politics is the way to take part in
the democratic process and fulfil civic responsibilities. Eventually, students’ active participation in
politics helps build a just society.